Monday, October 18, 2010

Collections:Part 3

* BitArray Class is derived from the System.Collections.generics
* it supports AND,OR ,XOR Opertaions
* It is used for storing just boolean value.
* It doesn't have Add or remove method like any another Collections.
BitArray btArray1 = new BitArray(3);
btArray1[0] = true;
btArray1[1] = false;
btArray1[2] = true;
BitArray btArray2 = new BitArray(3);
btArray2[0] = true;
btArray2[1] = false;
btArray2[2] = true;
* Note : if you want to change the length of the Array just set its length propery.
* =========================
* Conditions 1
* ==============================
BitArray bitXOR = btArray1.Xor(btArray2);
foreach (object bit in bitXOR)
* o/p: False,false,false
* Condition 2
BitArray bitXOR = btArray1.And (btArray2);
foreach (object bit in bitXOR)
*o/p: True,false,True

BitArray bitXOR = btArray1.Or(btArray2);
foreach (object bit in bitXOR)
* o/p: True,false,True
* Condition 3

BitArray bitXOR = btArray1.Not();
foreach (object bit in bitXOR)
* o/p: false,true,false

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